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The Intersection of AI and Trademarks

Article by Neelam Dahiya

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force across various industries, and its impact on intellectual property, particularly trademarks, is becoming increasingly significant.  In the Indian context, where technological advancements are rapidly evolving, understanding the interplay between AI and trademarks is crucial for businesses and legal professionals alike.

AI and Trademarks in India:

  1. AI and legal concept: A trademark is a way of identifying a business. Trademarks are mainly used to connect branding to consumer buying behaviour. However, with the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the online world, some traditional concepts may become less relevant, such as “imperfect recollection,” “confusion,” and “trademark-to-trademark” comparisons based on their phonetic, conceptual, or visual impact. This is because AI has reduced the number of product options for individual consumers. E-commerce platforms are now using AI algorithms to suggest products based on the customer’s search history, demographic, preferences, past purchases, etc.
  2. Trademark Creation and AI: AI algorithms have the capability to generate creative content, including logos and brand names.  This raises questions about the eligibility of AI generated trademarks for protection under Indian law.  Indian trademark law requires trademarks to be distinctive and capable of distinguishing its goods or services of one entity from another.  Determining the distinctiveness of AI-generated marks poses a unique challenge.
  3. Ownership and Inventorship: Traditional trademark creation involves human creativity but AI challenges this paradigm.  In India, the question of ownership and inventorship becomes complex when AI systems autonomously generate trademarks.  Current legal frameworks may need adaptation to address issues of attribution and ownership, ensuring a fair and clear delineation of rights in AI- generated trademarks.
  4. Trademark Examination and AI: The examination process by the Trade Marks Registry involves assessing the distinctiveness of a mark. Integrating AI tools into this process can enhance efficiency and accuracy, streamlining the registration process.  India’s intellectual property offices are gradually embracing technology, and the incorporation of AI in the examination of trademarks may expedite the overall registration procedure.
  5. Trademark Infringement and AI: With the rise of AI-generated content, monitoring trademark infringement becomes more challenging. AI can be used to detect unauthorized use of trademark online, assisting businesses in protecting their brand integrity.
  6. Legal Challenges and Ethical Considerations: As AI becomes more integrated into trademark landscape, legal challenges and ethical considerations arise.  Balancing innovation with the protection of intellectual property requires thoughtful legal frameworks.  India’s legal community is actively engaging with these challenges, aiming to strike a balance that encourages technological advancements while upholding the principles of fairness and protection.


The convergence of AI and trademarks in India presents both opportunities and challenges.  Adapting legal frameworks to accommodate AI-generated trademarks, addressing ownership issues, and leveraging AI for efficient trademark examination are pivotal steps.  As India continues its journey into the digital age, a harmonious integration of AI and trademark law will be essential to foster innovation while preserving the rights of businesses and creators.